Weird & Wonderful - Best Of Season 2


Weird & Wonderful - Best Of Season 2 - track list and notes:

A year-end playlist featuring the best selections from all the 2021 playlists, curated by Bruce McGuire, Jim Oliver & Jim Crist aka Dr BlibBlabBlingBlong

Graphic Design by Daniele Lanza
Audio Production by Bill McGuire

01 King Woman - Morning Star
King Woman has appeared in these playlists before and that's because they're awesome. They have a new record coming out in July and this is the first single. It's awesome, and it's nice to have a music video that confirms my long-held suspicion that Kris Esfandiari is a mysterious character from an Alan Moore Hellblazer script that has somehow joined us in reality. O)))

02 Japanese Breakfast - Diving Woman
For many years I've heard of Japanese Breakfast, but never actually heard anything from them. Listened to this track on a whim one day when I was hanging out with my kid, and it hit the spot. An almost seven minute burner, what more could you want! JC

03 King Buffalo - Red Star Pt. 2 (radio edit)
This is pretty straight ahead stoner riff rock, and I like it for that reason, but King Buffalo are a fun band to sink your teeth into. Bluesy riffs, cool themes, and clean singing (if you're into that). This is cut down from a 16 minute track that's worth hearing on its own, but I also wanted to throw it on here as a really good radio edit that proves you can wring a 4-minute blaster out of a long psychedelic journey. O)))

04 Wet Leg - Chaise Longue
Bawdy, bold and simple. Fast modern pop-rock ala 2021 via the Isle of Wight. My hero Iggy Pop is the one who brought this to my attention. Two girls on their debut single dressed as puritans using innuendo and vagary to talk dirty. Did you want something else? I didn't think so. Not a bad groove either. Released by Domino. B

05 Mizmor - Desert of Absurdity
I know depressive black metal isn't everybody's cup of tea and I don't think it should be, but if you're looking for a reason to get interested in it, I think A.L.N.'s work under the name Mizmor will be what draws you in. This stuff is all about emotional range, and I think this  whole record has that in spades. O)))

06 Spelljammer - Silent Rift
I've joked on here about how I love stoner doom that's all about texture musicians can get from signal path stuff and volume, and Spelljammer is one of my favorite examples of people doing that work. The riffs aren't simple, and--sure--the ghost astronaut aesthetic has been self-parody for a long time now, but playing this music really really loud just really puts me in a place I love being. This is from their newest album, out a couple weeks ago on Riding Easy records. O)))

07 Kathy Heideman - Sleep A Million Years
Pretty much encapsulating how I'm feeling these days, I'm just exhausted. But also really enjoying older, not-so-commercial country music. I came across this one on a Numero Group compilation called Wayfaring Strangers: Cosmic American Music. The whole thing is great, but this is the track that really spoke to me. JC

08 Bardo Pond - Call The Doctor
One day while looking for one Low cover, I stumbled across another Low cover that was included on a Spaceman 3 tribute album from 1999. Holy shit, the entire thing melts face, but this one in particular is a monster. It gets played a lot over here. Love the rhythmic, hypnotic sludge that it makes. At the moment, I'm trying to work my way through Bardo Pond's other music, but for now I'm very satisfied with this gem. JC

09 Johnnie Frierson - Miracles
Johnnie Frierson was a fringe musician in the Stax Records orbit in the early 60's. Then he was drafted and served in Vietnam. A while after returning, he started becoming involved in music again, hosting a radio show in his hometown, and eventually began recording. His new music did not take off. Recordings were found at a thrift store and eventually released. I dig the simplicity and optimism of this track. JC

10 Sleaford Mods - Nudge It
"You're just a mind that's saying and playing sod all. And the after effects are making my skin crawl." From the album Spare Ribs out Jan 2021 on Rough Trade records. 2 scruffy fellas from Nottingham England showing us how the class wars are in full effect. Amy Taylor of Amyl & The Sniffers adds her voice to the show. B

11 Warm Drag - Butch Things
A modern Los Angeles duo. This song comes from a 7" single they cranked out early in 2021. Released by the Six Tonnes de Chair Records label based in Messery, France, a town on the Swiss and Italian borders. I hate to do this to you, but imagine this vibe, a mix of Suicide/Dirty Beaches/The Cramps/Moon Duo. B

12 Little Simz ft Obongjayar - Point And Kill
In early September my friend Dang recommended this tune in his Twitter feed and it was an instant smash in my ears. Subtle hip-hop with hard to distinguish influences. Is that a Nigerian tinge? Is that bit Egyptian? Or Arabic? Is that part East End of London? What am I hearing? Starring Simbi Ajikawo and her friend Steven Umoh, aka Little Simz & Obongjayar. From the 2021 album Sometimes I Might Be Introvert released by the label Age 101 Music. B
