Weird & Wonderful Playlist 11


W & W 11 - track list and notes:

A playlist curated by Jim Crist, Bruce McGuire & Jim Oliver,  better known as: The Love Triangle.

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Graphic Design by Daniele Lanza
Introductory Audio Production by Bill McGuire

01 Osees - Tear Ducks
Thee Oh Sees are now just Osees, and that's cool, change can be good. This is from their new three song, nearly 42 minute long release. There is a lot going on here, weird atmospherics, delicate guitar riffs, and reverb heavy vocals. This song reminds me of a walk on that first really warm day in the spring when you don't have anywhere to be and can enjoy the warm sun washing over you. JC

02 Cloud Rat - The Mad
Here's another band that I want to see really badly when there are shows again. If you've never liked grind before, I think there's still a lot of complexity to search out and its these folks' work that'll sell you on it, even if you find it hard to listen at first. O)))

03 Lich King - Attack of the Wrath of the War of the Death of the Strike of the Sword of the Blood of the Beast
Lich King's motto has always been that thrash got perfected in the 80's and they just want to make more of that music. They do that, but with this great sense of humor that never fails to make me smile. I love Lich King. O)))

04 Th1rt3en - Cult 45
It's been a while since Pharoahe Monch put out a record, but that quiet period was him putting together a 3-piece band and writing some great songs. The whole album is great and they use everything from jazz to heavy metal to flavor Monch's loquacious flow. I think I put 8 different tracks from this album in this list before I finally decided on Cult 45. O)))

05 1-Speed Bike - Seattle/Washington/Prague 00/68 Chicago/Nixon/Reagan Circle-Fighting Machine
Constellation Records in Montreal was one of my favorite labels back in college. They are probably most famous for releasing Godspeed You Black Emperor albums, but they also put out stuff from various members and friends in that orbit. 1-Speed Bike is the project of the GYBE drummer. Everyone at Constellation wanted to destroy capitalism, and this particular song sounds like a soundtrack for a march to go firebomb every Starbucks in sight. JC

06 Pyre Fyre - Trash Man
So it went down like this: I was cruisin' fer chicks on Instagram, per usual, and came across a post from Weedian pimping a new video called Trash Man. I checked it out, of course, and it was pure Solid Gold. Power trio, nice riffage, fuzzzzzzzz, and just over 2 minutes long. Its not a song about a Garbage Man, a Janitor, or a Sanitation Engineer, its a song about a Trash Man. Got it? I tracked down Pyre Fyre on Bandcamp and bought everything, then jumped back to Instagram where I found and followed them. Seconds later I get a note from Dan (guitar) in the band saying Hey, thanks for the follow. We chatted about how cool we both were and what great taste in music we both had, and then everyone went home relatively happy. Bayonne, New Jersey if anyone asks. B

07 Gang of Four - What We All Want
This song got used as closing music on a podcast I've been enjoying recently ("This Machine Kills" it's about technology and examining the way capitalism makes us think about it, it's great). Reminded me what makes Go4 so intoxicating. O)))

08 Janet Kay - Silly Game
There is a kitchen scene early in the "Lovers Rock" episode of Steve McQueen's recent film series Small Axe, where a group of women are preparing food and start singing acapella. Later in the movie during a dance party crescendo the whole joint is moving to the same song and eventually all the women keep on and keep on and keep on singing long after the song ends. Its so full of joy and love that its crazy beautiful. This is that song. See that movie. B

09 Sleaford Mods featuring Amy Taylor - Nudge It
"You're just a mind that's saying and playing sod all. And the after effects are making my skin crawl." From the album Spare Ribs out Jan 2021 on Rough Trade records. 2 scruffy fellas from Nottingham England showing us how the class wars are in full effect. Amy Taylor of Amyl & The Sniffers adds her voice to the show. B

10 Let's Eat Grandma - Sax in the City
These two girls made a good album when they were like 15 years old! A few years back Radio K kept playing this catchy song called Eat Shiitake Mushrooms, and that's how I discovered Let's Eat Grandma. It's hard to place what it sounds like or what it reminds you of, and that's the main selling point for me. I picked this track because of all the horns and the stomping beat, but the whole recite is very enjoyable. JC

11 Party Dozen - The Worker
This multi-instrumentalist duo gives us a BIG, new-groovin', hard-chargin', room-rippin', trance-rockin' track from Sydney! Self-released and a part of the Grupo collective. B

12 Yu Su - Brittney (Live Mix)
I really like songs I can get lost in. I also really like songs that when I leave them playing in a room and my wife goes into it, she starts to think someone has dosed her. This song achieves both! JC
